About Us

Coffee, in the Southern States of India, is deeply rooted in the local culture. It is so interwoven in the lives of South Indians, that it is not surprising to hear coffee being mentioned several times through the day, in a variety of contexts. It is also customary to offer a visitor or guest a fine cup of perfectly-made filter coffee.
In the year 1964, the demand for freshly grounded coffee powder was increasing by the day. Mr. M. K. Ramaswamy, a young man in his twenties, founded Suma Coffee Works and joined this long tradition. Working alone, he managed to roast, grind, pack and sell his beans, all within a single day. As his customers increased, he secured their loyalty by cycling and delivering fresh ground coffee to their doorsteps. He worked through the day and often finished his last deliveries well into the night. His reputation grew and soon he was making his deliveries on a Vespa scooter. For many South Bangaloreans this coffee became a ritual. His boutique brand grew over the years and survived the entry of several larger packaged brands of coffee.
Today, Suma Coffee Works is run by his sons and continues to remain one of the best filter coffee powders available in Bangalore.